Tuesday, September 15, 2009

HoPing to Be AppRoved...

Today, I apPlied for Google ADsenSe. My claSsmates tolD mE thAt I can make MoNey OnLine thru this Blog. I don't belIeve them, but I haVe notHing to lose when I try. (OnLy a few mInutes of my time).

I sigNed up and I'm Now Waiting for AppRoval. I hope they wiLL approVe my ApplicaTion so That I can try Adsense and prOve to MySelF, to my mOm and DaD, that I can earn thru my Hobbies, just like bloGging.

I wILL poSt morE uPdates sooNN! I will be posting more UpdAtes if I'm ApProved in the AdSense program Or Not!

I'm Addicted to blogging!

ThIs iS mY thirt PoSt and I'm a certiFied blogGing addict! I wiLL now BlOg about my daily life, my interestS, and everytHing that I caN thiNk oF!

I'M now having a GrOup chat with SoMe of mY fRiends and It's ReaLLy fun!

I wilL be PostiNg moRe UPdaTes SooN guys! So watch out!

Import your contacts and old email

tHis iS onE of the FiRst E-mAils I receIved from GoOgle. I'm NoW ImporTing mY YahOo contacts to GmAiL! Gmail is more Awesome and CoOL! I love Its interfacE!

More UpDateS coMing SoOn!

My first post in my first blog!

HellO guyS! finaLLy! I created my fiRst bloG! And it'S proudLy hosTeD by BloGspoT! I wiLL be MakinG moRe poSts in the DayS to cOme! aS of NoW, I'll be goiNg home. ThIs is my fiRst post. I just realIzed nOw that it'S really easy tO blOg, speCialLy with BloGspoT!